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     Discipleship Training School prepares you to spread the good news by teaching you how to know God on an intimate level and by training you how to effectively and joyfully make Him known!


SCHOOL CALENDAR: SEPT 28 2020- FEB 19, 2021





MONTHS OF practical application 

in national & international outreach

DTS is designed to encourage you to develop in personal character, cultivate a living relationship with God, and identify your unique individual gifts and callings. The cross-cultural exposure and global awareness that you find in this school will prepare you to answer the current and future generations'  call to

"go into all the world and make disciples of all nations" Matthew 28:19!

1 DTS = 2 electives

The purpose of an elective is to draw like-minded people together, those with similar passions & talents, in order to show them how to use those passions & talents for the Kingdom!

During the classroom phase you will have additional time in your week for your focus, or if you are in Classic you have additional free time to focus on your relationship with God. Normal class time will be spent together, learning from the same teachers, and interacting on a daily basis as one school. If you are interested in the specifics of those focuses you can click the links below:

The 12 weeks during Classroom Phase are packed full of intense teachings, opportunities to work in the mission field, time devoted to developing a stronger relationship with God, and of course lots and lots of fun! Each week in the classroom is a different topic taught in depth.

 Topics include: 

Father Heart of God

Knowing & Hearing God

Identity, Worldview, & Relationships

World Missions


 A DTS also prioritizes a "live-learn" environment that fosters personal transformation! 

A typical week of DTS includes: 

Room & Board

No only does your tuition cover your school, but also room & board! Our dorms all have common areas for gathering together or relaxing with friends. Along with the base where we have our classes & eat meals having space to hang out & have free time. We provide all your meals and there is a salad bar to go along with most lunch and dinner entrees. 


We have time throughout the week to gather for worship & to pray for our community, nations, or upcoming outreach! What a wonderful way to start your day!

Mission minded

Because this is a missionary training school we have a focus on the world and the current outlook of missions. Every week we have a Global Focus time where we learn about different parts of the world and the state of the gospel in them.

Class time

We fly in quality teachers from all over the world to speak on topics such as the Father Heart of God, Hearing God's Voice, Bible Overview, and World View. Each teacher comes prepared and excited to speak into your life and give you an opportunity to delve into a deeper relationship God. 

Local ministry

There will be plenty of opportunities throughout Classroom Phase to serve our local community and spread the good news. We'll be doing things like picking up trash within our community, helping out our neighbors in whatever way we can, serving the church, evangelizing, and generally just loving the people around us!

Quiet  Times
Quiet  Times

Take time every morning to spend personal, quality time with Jesus! Whether that's reading the Bible, journaling, listening to music, or even going on a walk with Jesus! How you use it is up to you! You can learn a lot from DTS, but the most important thing is having a stronger relationship with God!


This is a great opportunity to share whats on your mind, talk about things you didn't understand during class time, share struggles that you could really use prayer and support during, or laugh about something that you just found super funny that week! Your one on one is there to help you through the thick and thin! 

Books & homework

A DTS is a Discipleship Training SCHOOL so we expect students to come to learn! This means that along what they get to learn in the classroom there will also be books we will read and have weekly discussions about, along with reading scriptures and journal entries. We want students to be involved and engaged with what they are learning in the classroom and outside of it.

Free time

There will usually be time every day to rest, hang out, and process everything going on. Sometimes we will have additional class time, an event come up, or a ministry opportunity randomly knock on our door. But rest is very important (and biblical).


We welcome you into our family, and as a family we work together to keep the base running! Everyday you'll be assigned an hour work duty. That may mean something like cleaning the dorm house, helping prepare meals, or even helping with meal clean ups. This really helps us out and keeps your tuition at a reasonable rate along with how we live in community.

Community living

A DTS is designed to be a live-learn environment, meaning that we get to do life together! Jesus spent time with His disciples. Not just when He was preaching, but in the every day moments of doing life. This means that in DTS you will live in the dorms & get to experience a community of people all seeking to grow deeper in their relationship with Jesus, & hopefully grow along with them!


If you sign up for an elective then you have a few extra hours in the week to get to explore your passions! This means that after the normal classroom curriculum you get additional time to go have fun within your elective.


Classroom Phase



"After the Mountains" Trekking & Outdoors


Classic Elective


Looking for some extra adventure? Check out our elective!


What is the classroom phase? What do we learn? What would your time look like?


What is outreach? Where? How? What would you be doing?

Tuition/ Costs

See how little it costs for this 5 month adventure. Unsure? See our resource on fundraising.


 Outreach Phase

     Classroom phase is only the beginning of your adventure! The last two months of your DTS experience will be outreach! Outreach Phase allows you to apply the principles you soaked up during class on your cross-cultural experiences. You'll have so many opportunities to preach the Gospel, learn how to function in a team, experience the power of prayer, develop the ability to hear God, be dependent on the Holy Spirit's guidance, and see God's heart for His children! Outreach can be a variety of experiences! Here are some common experiences:

You, partnered with your outreach team, will travel locally & internationally to share the love of Christ! These outreach locations can include anywhere in the whole world and change with different schools. We've gone to Mexico, South America, Europe, & Asia! The locations are announced during the school.

Your outreach can include a variety of experiences, based on how the spirit leads and your location. This could include friendship evangelism, children's ministry, church services, dramas, sharing about what God has done in your life, working with local youth groups, doing service projects, and praying for people. You really can't put God in a box! One day you might be sipping overpriced coffee with college students the next you're preaching the gospel from the back of a yak to a Mongolian nomad. No kidding.

Part of outreach includes team building & continuing to grow with Jesus! So time is dedicated to team worship, processing, and prayer. Your staff will continue to walk with you in your journey. 

Outreach is an adventure but not tourism. We are there to serve the people and follow Jesus. But rest is biblical! We will have days to rest and days to sightsee! You'll have opportunities to take pictures & buy some souvenirs for your loved ones!

Outreach ends with a week back in West Virginia as we debrief your experience and set you up as your move onto the next thing God has for you! Debrief week ends with graduation ceremony where your friends & family are invited as we celebrate what God has done IN you & THROUGH you!

 But our goals for outreach is to bring the Kingdom of God wherever we go! In all these experiences you really get to step out in sharing the gospel with those we meet and expressing who God is through how we live our lives!



Classroom & outreach phase have separate costs. Part of this is because classroom phase is already set in stone but outreach can vary. We recommend arriving for DTS with classroom cost in hand (if you have a question about that please ask us, we want to help make that happen) and we highly recommend that you start raising outreach costs even though those are due during the school. We recommend you start because you need money to obtain visas and plane tickets which we try to buy sooner rather than later as they are cheaper. After outreach is announced during the school we will help you send out letters about your outreach & location if you need to still raise finances.

Classroom Cost:

$3,500 Classic

$3,500 Trekking & Outdoors

*includes room, meals, book fees, and any additional costs associated with a focus.

Outreach Cost:


*cost varies by location and plane ticket prices.  The final cost will be determined during the first month of the school.


Are finances holding you back from doing DTS?


Check out this document for some of our advice on raising funds from a Biblical perspective!

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